Hair loss treatment aims to slow or reverse thinning, stimulate partial regrowth or replace lost hair. It can be used to treat men and women who have a genetic condition called male or female pattern baldness, as well as other conditions that cause hair loss. Treatments may include lotions and tablets or hair transplant surgery.
You should see your doctor if you have noticeable thinning or a receding hairline, patchy hair loss or hair that grows very slowly.부산탈모병원 Your doctor will ask questions about your health history and perform a physical exam. He or she will also check your skin, scalp and eyebrows for signs of problems such as a fungal infection, thyroid disease or anemia. Your doctor will also want to know how much hair you have lost and when it started.
The most common cause of hair loss is male or female pattern baldness. This causes a receding hairline and thinning on the top of the scalp. It is more common in men than women and tends to begin around age 30 or 40. Other causes of hair loss are hormonal changes from pregnancy, childbirth or menopause, as well as medical conditions such as alopecia areata (al-o-PEE-she-uh ar-ee-A-tuh), an immune system disorder that affects the scalp and causes patchy hair loss, or trichotillomania (trik-o-till-uh-MAN-ia), a habit of pulling out your own hair that can lead to permanent baldness. Hair loss can also be a side effect of some medicines, especially those taken for high blood pressure, heart problems, depression or gout. Radiation therapy to the head may also cause hair loss.

There is no cure for patterned hair loss, but there are treatments that can help prevent further thinning and encourage new growth. These include minoxidil (Rogaine, generic versions), a topical lotion that promotes hair growth and finasteride (Propecia, Avodart), a pill that blocks the effects of the hormone testosterone. Both are available on prescription from your doctor.
In addition, certain laser devices have been shown to promote regrowth of hair in men and women with hereditary alopecia. Talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of this treatment.
Other methods of covering baldness are wigs or hair pieces and changing your hairstyle to make it less noticeable. You can also use specialized styling products that add volume, color your hair to cover a thinning spot and choose a haircut that minimizes a widening part or bald spot.부산탈모
There is no scientific evidence that hair loss is caused by stress, diet, wearing hats, smoking or other lifestyle habits. However, some people find these things may contribute to a slower rate of hair growth or reduce the amount of hair you lose. For example, eating more protein and limiting your exposure to sunlight may help you grow thicker, fuller hair. Also, taking vitamin supplements that contain silica or magnesium might aid hair growth. However, you should always discuss these changes with your doctor to be sure they’re safe for you.